How to swaddle a baby

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How to swaddle a baby

Are you familiar with the term swaddeling? It’s supposed to mean rolling your baby into a bun 😊 . Babies have spent 9 months living in the warm and safe shelter of their mommy’s tummy and by “swaddeling” them we can give them at least a bit of the comfort they were used to during that time.

The use of a swaddeling diaper can seem quite complicated at a glance, but with a few tips and practical tests you can quickly master the art of swaddeling. For an easier demonstration we’ll show you four steps with picture and descriptions on how to swaddle your baby.

Uporaba povijalne pleničke - Korak 1

Step 1: Place the swaddeling diaper diagonally to form a triangle shape and place your baby in the centre of it. The baby’s shoulder should be just slightly higher of the diapers edge.

Uporaba povijalne pleničke - Korak 2

Step 2: Put your baby’s right arm on his side and then go over his arm, chest and over his back, but leave his left hand exposed and free.

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Step 3: Bend the lower part of the diaper over the baby’s legs and tuck the diaper in at the top of the diaper.

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Step 4: Now place the baby’s left arm on his left side and repeat the second step, but this time from left to right. Tuck the diaper in behind your baby and you’re done.


What are the appropriate sizes for swaddling ?

The most popular size is 120 x 120 cm, the height should be based on the height of your baby ( from 1-6 months ). The use of a swaddling diaper can become a part of your daily routine and your little sunshine will surely love the snug embrace of a soft blanket.

If you check out all of our products, you’ll see that we also have different swaddling diapers available. Our favourite diapers are from the Aden+Anais brand. You can also find some soft blankets, which will make sure your baby will be nice and warm in the cold days.


You can see how to properly swaddle your baby on the video below.

With warm regards,


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